I was thinking of Mary this morning. Looking for Jesus' body at the tomb, still looking, still longing, still searching for Him. This while the other disciples had went home again, but she alone remained. Her question was, "where have you laid him, tell me, I will take (his body) away." (John 20:15)
Oh that we would all have this kind of passion within us for Jesus. Even when others turn away for whatever reason, in pursuit often of ambition and self, or a Jesus that only tells people maybe what they want to hear, oh that within us instead our hearts would burn even stronger for Jesus at that moment, just as her's did. Even if it means to be misunderstood and to be alone as she was - the thought of denying our hearts the love that was ours , that it would be even stronger within.
She found Him didn't she. She found Him in a gardener no less. So many would have never recognized Him in the form He chose to appear in. Just an ordinary gardener, but she recognized Him, she recognized His voice as He called her name. Jesus knew the longing within her, the searching that would not be denied. Oh how she wanted Jesus and would find Him. He would not disappoint her.
We look for Him in the same way. WE see Him in forms which we never expect Him to appear but nevertheless we see Him and recognize Him because of the longing within. Others might miss Him but we shall be looking, we shall be searching, we shall be longing after Him. For we know we shall find Him we know we will hear His voice.
New Testament 3.0 – A Major Breakthrough
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2 days ago
1 comment:
I loved this very much, thank you.
I have been richly encouraged through this passage in John 20:17
"Jesus said, Do not hold (cling) on to me, for I have not yet returned to the Father. Go instead to My brothers and tell them, I am returning to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God."
Part of what I see so clearly in this visual is that there is a mind set that wants to cling to an outer Christ, the (earthly) Jesus of Nazareth, rather than Knowing Him after the spirit...we no longer know any man after the flesh, not even Jesus and those who walked with Him!
This is one of the first references to a status that has become available to us. Elevating us to a status of full members in God's family. Set before us we may become full expressions with Christ in the Life of God.
By being birthed into the God's family we have received the full measure of the Father's love for us.
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