Since I left the institutional church scene back in 2002, I have been on quite a journey. I remember those early months, right after leaving, how exciting it was, sitting every morning, long into the hours of late - morning, on my porch drinking 'x' numbers of coffee, and talking to Jesus. The difficult part was over, I had chosen to leave despite the warnings of this one and that one. With that behind me, I was now free to totally love Jesus the way that I knew I wanted to. It was so exciting to venture out of the institutional mindset and behaviours, and begin to discover the freedom and joy of Christ alone! Oh the security and peace. Thinking back, it was such a wonderful season in my life, of enjoying deepening intimacy and union with Him. Trust in Him was continually growing, and I was really being freed up from religious thinking, much of which had primarily stopped my growth in Him by squelching my desire & devotion for Him only.
What I have also found as I have progressed is a deepening desire to know and appreciate the lovely body of Christ ! I want so much to love Him and love His people the way He does; I want that always to be growing in me! I believe I see the beauty of His reflection in others in ways I never would have, had I stayed in that mindset ! He is so beautiful in His people! I value & appreciate His presence in others. In the institution, beauty is often valued instead concerning the system, how well it is working and performing etc.
I have been so delighted to find members of the body of Christ all over the place. It's like a treasure hunt, and as you persevere, you soon, with delight, find the beauty of that treasure suddenly here and there. You can't help but be in total absolute awe of the beauty of Christ in others when that happens Often unexpectedly! Lovely, He is. Lovely especially in others who have courageously ventured out of the safety, comfort and confines of religion, and without restraint and unreservedly, knowing they have begun to open up their heart and just completely give themselves to Christ. That is the beauty, really. The beauty is in the act within the heart, of just yielding & giving oneself so completely to Christ, on such a deep level, one that goes beyond religion, to just surrendering all to Him, this is truly breath-taking.
So when we as brothers and sisters in Christ find each other out there - somewhere on this journey, a journey of the heart - and suddenly behold that beauty of Christ, deep within and beating in another's heart, we can't help but be deeply moved and grateful at that discovery. Our Spirit's groan and leap within in such true joy. We see with humility and tears that being a part of His Body is a deep privilege, to share within the context of another's love and devotion to Christ.
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11 hours ago
Isn't it an amazing irony, that people are finding true life by walking away from the very thing that was *supposed* to give them life.
Sort of puts a new twist on the verse:
"He who loses his life for My sake shall find it."
After all...we're not really walking away from the church. In many ways, we're walking right into it.
Hi Jeff:
Yes, that sure is true. (And it definitely is an irony. )
Yeah that's a good way od describing it actually - we are walking right into it!
We leave because we finally realize that the promise of life is only found in Christ.
It's like the Father turns the light switch on knowing that we somehow got used to living in a very dimly lit room - we didn't notice that only one light bulb was on, that the rest were burnt out lol Or we didn't know it could sound like a symphony we were used to listening to an out of tune guitar lol i am such a good writer ;
have a great day in Him Jeff!
He truly lives in the fullness of His Joy in us !
Ruth, I can so relate to your experience right after leaving the institutional system.
My friend, I especially loved this: "What I have also found as I have progressed is a deepening desire to know and appreciate the lovely body of Christ ! I want so much to love Him and love His people the way He does; I want that always to be growing in me! I believe I see the beauty of His reflection in others in ways I never would have, had I stayed in that mindset!"
Me too!! That's so very much my heart's desire.
"I have been so delighted to find members of the body of Christ all over the place. It's like a treasure hunt, and as you persevere, you soon, with delight, find the beauty of that treasure suddenly here and there. You can't help but be in total absolute awe of the beauty of Christ in others when that happens."
Again, me too, Ruth! Papa is placing people into my life in ways I would have never imagined being able to "come" in those ways. Truly, our Father is a brilliant creative One.
Again, great post!
~Amy :)
Thanks so much for your encouragement.
Yes, it's totally different when Father makes the connection, and Father does the gathering & joining together. Versus when we 'gather' and 'join' often just for the sake of doing so
ie organized religion.
God Bless you & by the way much love & congratulations on your book! You are truly gifted & a delight to the Father !
yeah I look for treasure smile
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