Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.
Jesus calls you & I friends! Jesus pouring all the riches of Himself into His friends!! Wow, all the riches of what the Father had shown Him and given Him, are now given unto His friends.
What riches did Christ have? What were some of those riches?
Think about Christ's relationship with the Father. The depth. The love. The intimacy. The sharing. The communication. He brings us into that. Think about the very act of Christ pouring the riches of His own relationship with His Father, now out to His friends, to you , to I .
I have had close rich relationships with others. I know how careful I am in bringing a friend into that. To share that, to be a part of that. Or, on the other hand, to be invited into that with others. Someone who will share the love, share the closeness, share the uniqueness & joy of that friendship.
Unfortunately for us all, we can easily forget that Christ has called us friends & brought us into this intimate place with He and the Father. Especially when circumstances and situations trouble and arise, and I allow them to define me. I fret & fail to draw out of the friendship forged within me of Christ & my union with he and the Father. I am reminded this morning that there is continual harmony with Christ, He is my foundation as He is yours. He has built us, built our foundation, which is sure! An intimate foundation of shared love of the pure joy of having a relationship with Him, sustaining us & guiding us through our situations. Christ has poured into you & I, His friends, the very foundation for a continuous friendship through the operation of the grace of God at all times. May doubt quickly evaporate as we grab hold of this truth, as His riches operate and become evident through all things, to God be the glory for what He has done through His Son!
"May His love pour out of us, may we all have a deeper awareness of the greatness Lord in that you have called us friends, in that you have given us the riches of the friendship which you and the Father shared. May we be transformed by this. Renewing our mind against the constant battle of vanity self centredness & purposeless living, I pray in Jesus name. amen
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2 days ago
Ruth !
Thank you for that reminder. WOW
I am right in the middle of making a very large business decission. I have one big problem. I was taught to ALWAYS use my common sense and mind in every decision I make. I stress and strain, groan, mumble, do all sort of calculations and think about all the justifications about what I should do. I tend to forget about my FRIEND, Jesus, who is just longing to show me what to do.
HE IS SOOOOOOOOO SPECIAL. Thank you for that reminder :)
May I? {{{{hug}}}}
Wow great stuff Ruth. Friends with Jesus Christ, brought into that intimacy that He has with the Father. Amazing. Reconciled to the Father through Him. No longer enemies. We have so much to rejoice in.
Wonderful truths. Thank you.
Lennart, All the best to you for I am sure that Jesus will show you exactly what He wants. As much as He is longing to show you - you also are longing to know His will. Do not fret, He will show you, for He cares deeply about every decision we face.
We do have so much to rejoice in. Jesus has triumphed and put to death the reign of sin in us, and has overcome every obstacle that would hinder us in any way!
Ahh...this is beautiful. Indeed, friends are such blessings. And our Best Friend, is Father Son Holy Spirit. What a good friend He is. I'm coming into a deeper understanding that the more I grow in Relationship with Him, the better a friend I can be with those in my life.
Beautiful post here.
~Amy :)
Author of "Orphaned Into Belonging"
Walking In The Spirit
Thanks Amy, that's a great thought to add here. Friendship beginning with Him.
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