Monday, April 21, 2008

Jesus' Idea of Leadership, called to be quiet if necessary!

Jesus idea of leadership in the Body of Christ is called a "gift".  It comes from within, from Christ.  It's not something we provide, but it's  Christ who gives gifts to His people.  

I know we have all heard this before, but I mean, really think about it for a second.  Gifts are the one thing that are deposited within the Body of Christ, within all.   All are recipients of a gift, and all are gifted.  If it's a gift then, and it's for sure not something we can take credit for, then just how is it that we could ever think more highly of a certain one gift over another? I mean really?  But it's obvious that this is done in "church".   Why is that ?  Jesus warned us to not take titles for fear that this would happen.  We simply should never identify ourselves by a particular gift.  How foolish.  We are identified by whether or not we have the mark of His Spirit.  Rest assured,  if the gift is truly there, if the gift is at work, then we don't need a title explaining/proclaiming it nor do we need advertising of any sort.  (It just seems all so very foolish.) If the gift is truly there, alive and evident, people will know it  ! already!  and people will sense it! already ! No need to let them know beforehand.  They will know it's there, not because they are so smart, but because they too are gifted, and Christ bears witness and He is faithful!  

Because all are gifted there is no boss.  (Except Christ, He is the Shepherd)  We need to not only let Jesus live in His people but express Himself in His people as the Boss wants to.    WE need to be quiet and move out of the way if necessary for this to happen.  Move over and let Jesus be the Shepherd of His people.

Have you ever noticed how when a Shepherd tends his sheep, He does so by sitting quietly by the wayside, making sure they are grazing, making sure they are safe.  Does He lord over them and tell them how to graze every week, week after week?  Does he ?   No, He sits quietly beside them and simply keeps watch over them as they all graze together.  He quietly moves them along.   This is Jesus. 

We are not to be identified by our gifts.  We not to be called by titles.   How foolish to give titles to what is a gift.  Gifts are beautiful in His people yes they are,  and necessary, but it does not mean we need job titles, job descriptions, positions, bosses, decision makers in the body of Christ.  We simply need each gift and we need to move aside and let Christ live in each other.  We need to stop doing this, seriously, using titles and job descriptions ...

And furthermore, how terrible  it is to use what is  supposed to be a gift  to control or manipulate another.  There isn't a gift from above that gives another the right to do so in the Body of Christ.   No man has the right to put on a title and do such things to another.  Also we shouldn't  feel threatened by one another's gifts neither but the opposite:  we should instead treasure the gift in another and serve one another in such a way so as  another's gift can be fully and completely expressed.

Let's live in Him  and have the courage to live in Him freely, without manipulating and exalting one another in any fashion.  Let's even  learn even how to be quiet if necessary so that Jesus can truly live as He desires in each and every one of His people.  


Rich said...


This was so GOOD, and I especially liked this (all of it actually)
We are identified by whether or not we have the mark of His Spirit. Rest assured, if the gift is truly there, if the gift is at work, then we don't need a title explaining/proclaiming it nor do we need advertising of any sort. (It just seems all so very foolish.) If the gift is truly there, alive and evident, people will know it ! already! and people will sense it! already ! No need to let them know beforehand. They will know it's there, not because they are so smart, but because they too are gifted, and Christ bears witness and He is faithful!
We are not to be identified by our gifts. We not to be called by titles. How foolish to give titles to what is a gift. Gifts are beautiful in His people yes they are, and necessary, but it does not mean we need job titles, job descriptions, positions, bosses, decision makers in the body of Christ. We simply need each gift and we need to move aside and let Christ live in each other. We need to stop doing this, seriously, using titles and job descriptions ...

I know in my life walk/journey with Father that as I am discovering and experiencing to a greater depth, His love for me, it is freeing me to Be me, and in and through that, His love, it is what touches whomever.

There are so many 'so called-gifted' people, but without knowing it is ALL about Love, experiencing that Love, they are but a noisy clanging. Its His love that truly defines Who's we are, it will always point to the generosity of our loving Father, not any giftedness we might think we have-right?

On a side note, if you can and would, I am curious in what or how you were promted in putting down this thoughts you shared here.

Blessings to you in His love!

Ruth said...

Hey Rich;
Thanks for your comment here too. This was really just a repost of early comments on this blog, concerning gifts/leadership, way back. This because I find it deeply frustrating that people gravitate and pursue the need for titles positions diplomas certain gifts in the Body of Christ. As you probably know, some will even leave a particular denomination in order to pursue these things within another. It's been a struggle for me to relate with any depth at all when this is a primary focus and desire (to be somebody in God's Kingdom) We are all just so unique, deeply gifted, ( being honest here : ) ... It is so prevalent, this need to prove oneself in the Body of Christ. AS you said Love can get it out of all of us and let Jesus express Himself in us all the way He wants. When love destroys our own agendas and motivations that are of self, then truly we are free.
My thought around being identified by the mark of His Spirit was along the lines of wanting to be identified rather as simply one who has been with Jesus. take care, Ruth

Ruth said...

My thought around being identified by the mark of His Spirit was along the lines of wanting to be identified NOT BY WHAT GIFT WE HAVE, BUT rather as simply one who has been with Jesus.

Rich said...

My thought around being identified by the mark of His Spirit was along the lines of wanting to be identified NOT BY WHAT GIFT WE HAVE, BUT rather as simply one who has been with Jesus.

My thoughts exactly. Paul speaks of us, the believers having received the unspeakable gift of God's son, or the Gifted One being is us. Because of Him as the Gifted One we derive our true identity. I would go even further by saying we are married to HHim, and he alone produces we are going to bear.

Isn't it a curious wonder how anyone can look at what comes forth from our lives (giftedness) as something we 'produced'?

Ruth said...

Yes it is quite a wonder, isn't it? How can anyone ever think that all that He is and all that He is doing and working in us - is something we are achieving or that we can work towards. WE are instead in awe of HIm.

I do think we cooperate with Him and yield to Him more and more, what do you think? Not really in as much in the sense that we simply do it. Yielding because we love HIm and desire Him more than anything. If it's by the Spirit that we are moving and living, and yielding, then It's more as HE is working in us .. He is working His will in us and giving us His desires as we delight in HIm. WE are getting into the overflow of Him ..

There is still often a battle to lay down our own way and seek instead to do His. Sometimes we prefer our own way but He gently recovers us and restores us .. But then His ways are so much better than ours, to have His joy and life flowing in us as we serve Him. We need the grace and power of His Spirit to completely empower us (I don't mean in a religious sense, i mean in a spiritual sense) to live this way each and everyday. We need Him to help us to love Him more than we love ourself. Life giving to others.

Overall, it's a joyful thing considering that nothing compares to the deep unity and oneness we feel with our Saviour as we keep giving ourselves to Him, and get taken up in Him.