Trying to process this journey of truly discovering what it means to follow Christ as He leads me... I am thinking that there is a continual reshaping necessary in all of our hearts, to grasp and to hold on to Christ.
I am thankful for that work, that is so necessary, if we are to live in this world with Hope, and with Joy. Once we have tasted of His goodness, we know that there is nothing at all, nothing that can compare or satisfy us or even come near what we experience through a simple love relationship with Him. A relationship where we are in process of continually being restored and filled with His Spirit.
People who are thrill seekers, once they accomplish or reach a goal, then on they go to the next one and the next one. Always I guess looking for the next "high". But with Christ, there is no higher mountain to climb. There is nothing beyond who He is and who He is in us and through us. He is all in all. And He has come to make a way for us to live in Him and to receive a continual manifestation of the full measure of who He is.
We can let go of all our religious goals and seminars and book reading, to learn techniques and so on and so forth. Because it's simply not about us!
The answer is and always will be Christ in us (the Hope of Glory) Christ is All in All. There is none like Him.
New Testament 3.0 – A Major Breakthrough
Welcome to another Thursday UNFILTERED blog post, the only blog that wants
you to know what when your pastor asks you to respond to the text during
his ser...
2 days ago
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