I have been in the process of recuperating from minor surgery, but thankfully I am moving right along. My hope is that I will continue to have much patience with myself as I continue to allow my body time to mend and do what it has to do ! We are fearfully and wonderfully made. It's all beyond what we can understand, God has provided for us as His Children in so many ways. He's ever good. When we are healing physically we can truly appreciate the wonder and marvel at our beings and our Creator.
Just a quick thought to throw out there beyond all that. Do you remember when you were a young-in? Okay I know it's going back a few years (for myself) but I remember being taught at an early age the importance of sharing with others. It was a difficult concept as a child to grasp. It just didn't seem to be something that would come naturally, and fair enough, many children never did manage to integrate that concept very well. However, the children that seemed to be the most fun & have the most fun were the carefree ones who shared well. They played together extremely well and were so free and full of life and contentment! My observation is that this concept has a spiritual aspect to it in our relationship with others as well.
I was praying and thinking this morning of my walk with Him and of course, the walk I have had alongside of others. I was aware that there was and is one thing that I now value highly. That is meeting and enjoying time with others who want to SHARE CHRIST with me, and likewise, want me also to SHARE CHRIST with them. It's what I am looking for. Free flow both ways, relationship based upon mutual love of Christ and appreciation of Christ in His people. The sharing concept. I have to say in retrospect, that these time of child-like interactions and sharing were not easily found amid the clamor of religious striving for performance perfection and recognition.
I have at times found relationship with others that could be brought to that simplicity, of sharing Christ. Even as my mother had to patiently teach me to share and I had to learn the joy of sharing, Father has had to strip away from me that which has opposed simple relationship with others in me. (He's still at work on that one). But I am getting there. It is and always has been what I desire and look for. It's a hunger within that is so deep that just as it's disappointing to meet those who can't and don't want to share - at the same time - that same deep hunger will not be denied. So we continue onward in search of someone 'Who Wants to Share'. Who has learned the joy and contentment for their soul at that place.
Sadly, there were many times, looking back, that I could not find this and adapted and conformed instead and denied that which I truly hungered for. Christ was definitely in all of that, letting that hunger grow and deepen during that time.
Who Wants to Share ?
New Testament 3.0 – A Major Breakthrough
Welcome to another Thursday UNFILTERED blog post, the only blog that wants
you to know what when your pastor asks you to respond to the text during
his ser...
2 days ago
We all face two possibilities -- real relationships, in which we become vulnerable, versus fake relationships, in which we set the preconditions and retain control. We can do this, or try to do this, even with God.
Hey Ike, Yes true, isn't the beauty of truly knowing Christ that we can be vulnerable with Him and then with others. We care less what people think of us. We should be living freely or at least gaining freedom in the right direction , but it is ongoing if we are transparent and living loved in our relationship with Him. which is what He is after.
Ruth, I know that I have written or blogged on this before, but it worth repeating. We were created for fellowship, firstly with God and secondly with one another. Unfortunately we have turned the meaning of 'fellowship into, siting in a circle in someones house, singing 4 or 5 songs very badly, listening to a leader rattle off his interpretation of the pastors Sunday sermon or scripture, having a boring prayer time, drinking some tea and then going home. Where was the fellowship?
Fellowship is sharing, helping your neighbour, chatting and encouraging to a colleague at work, jsut sitting with someone while they cry, .... and all the while listing to the Holy Spirit for further instructions.
We are the only JESUS that many people will ever see! Are we sharing HIM through our lifestyle?
I don't like to pray this, because HE usually answers me, but here goes, "Jesus make us more like you, and be gentle this time, please....." :)
HI Lennart,
Fellowship in God's family is supposed to be exactly that: "family interaction". As soon as we try to plan it all and turn it into a meeting, with an agenda, then we have truly lost the spontaneity of what every family needs to have; as you say the type of constant interaction and SHARING according to the direction and power of the Holy Spirit.
I remember listening to Beresford Job talk about family in comparison to what church life should be like. He said something to the effect, can u imagine your family getting together, everyone all settled down, and then everyone staying quiet while Father does all the talking? Would that make you a family ? Wouldn't that be a dysfunctional family !?
So, I guess once you see the church as family as God intended, we can do away with the teaching and practises that oppose what it was meant to be, and cannot be with said (practises) simply because they oppose true genuine interaction / sharing.
I loved what you shared here so much.
I was reminded of something reading what you shared here from Darrin Hufford on his recent pod cast, “Worship in the Wild” and from the God Journey pod cast, “The Left-Handed Life.”
Darrin suggested this wild thought, rather than saying (dictating) “THIS IS WORSHIP” he asked, “what IS worship to YOU?”
In my opinion this IS the difference, it permits us all to express in our own words how we are learning to respond to His initiative-engaging us at a heart level. In other words each of our opinions are valid, real and very important especially to our Father.
On the God Journey pod cast Brad asked his kids, ‘what is Christmas to you’ and why don’t you do Christmas for us this year. It was so cool, as they knew in their hearts what Christmas really was to them without being coached by the experts, both Brad and his wife Kelly were so over whelmed in seeing their children so in tune with Him.
Growing up within the family of our Father has so much more to it than one person’s perspective, view, and opinion. He values each of us and comes to us and asks for our input.
Hey Rich,
That is so true. He does value each of us in all aspects of our being. And not just relational. His value and care for us is deeper than we know just as His love is as well. Yet we are invited to swim in this wonderful River that is far reaching as our eyes can see. We truly are like little children, filled with wonder as our hearts are continually being awakened to the endless riches, God's goodness that He wants to lavish on us. Such as in the situation with Brad & Kelly & their kids, man , that was a great idea ! Truly God is at work in us.
I had lunch yesterday with a friend. A dear sister in the Lord who shared her heart with me in describing a struggle that she is having right now. I listened, prayed, comforted. But I didn't have any answers for her. Not really. Only to trust God for His wisdom and direction.
During the time we spent together, it occured to me that her struggle would not be known to most of those who she went to church with. I thought how sad it was that we can "attend" church for many years, yet not really know each other. We can't really "share" Christ in that setting. And Lennart is right, it doesn't necessarily happen when we move our "meetings" to a living room.
Yet it does happen. For those who seek it. God brings us together to share. Our joys, pain, struggles, fears, doubts. In all that sharing we get to minister Jesus to one another. I find that this happens best and easiest in a one to one setting. It doesn't really surprise me that we don't want to stand up in a big prayer meeting and spill out our hearts. I used to think we should feel comfortable to do that. But I have changed my thinking on that.
I am grateful to find that "fellowship" however God wants to bring it to me. In person, over the phone, via email (in person is best!). If Christ is truly dwelling inside of us, He will make ways to be shared amongst us, and to a dark world, if we will listen for His voice and follow His leading.
Hi Maureen ,
It's a real privilege to know you and to also be a part of Him, isn't it.
Isn't it interesting how within what is defined as legitimate in terms of the body of Christ actually opposes genuine sharing ?
I find the more I talk with others, the more they share their faith in Christ. It is so refreshing especially because of the recent bashing of Christianity. Having Christ in my life gives me hope, enriches my faith not only in what I cannot see but also people, causes me to be optimistic about 99% of life, and makes me thankful for who I am today. Yes, I am not perfect but I am never unloved or alone.
Hi Hope,
welcome to my blog. And thank you for sharing your insight into
Christ. Gratefulness for Christ and the life that He gives is one of the most important attitudes we should be exhibiting as His children. Thanks for reminding me of that !
Nice to meet you!
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