I happened by his site tonight and these words caught my attention:
What would it be like if Paul's phrase, "Christ in you, the hope of glory," were a daily reality in our lives? Is it even possible? Is there anything we can do to make it happen?
There's nothing we can do, for it is already a finished fact! If we read John's Gospel, we find that Christ really has become one with the Christian. There is therefore a certain quality of life that He imparted to us, a life which spontaneously flows out to touch the lives of others. This life is quite different from what I had heard about for so many years of my life. For twenty-three years I was the one doing the doing. And I was doing for God. I hoped that what I was doing pleased God. I hoped that what I was doing honored Eventually the Holy Spirit, who is our only teacher, impressed upon my inner being that because God is the real Doer, there really wasn't anything a Christian could do for God but be available.
full article hereUntil the Christian life comes as spontaneously as being lost once did, you don't know Christ operating as you. The Old Testament prophets knew that. They knew God didn't want the blood of bulls and goats, but a contrite heart. He said He would give them a new heart, that the Law would be written not on tables of stone, but on the fleshly tables of the heart; and that no one would need a teacher, because all would be taught of the Lord arid. all would know the Lord.
Can Christ be trusted in union with you and me to live that life? I can now say yes. I couldn't always say yes, because I looked like a bad risk. I looked wishy-washy. I looked hot and cold, in and out, up and down. I couldn't say yes until I wore myself out trying, because I was a God-lover; and I thought that's what I was supposed to do for God. You probably are a God-lover too.