When we look at Christ what do I see and what do you see ?
Is it about how my life or your life can be better ? I mean, what is it ?
Or is it about enduring despite our weaknesses, and really reaching out to the poor and suffering ? and helping those who are blind and without hope ? Is that our burden ? Oh, is it ? Do we have a burden?
What is Christ about to you ? More importantly, what is Christ about to me ?
Is it about spirituality ? Is it about being spiritual, (whatever that means in these days,) what is it about ?
Is it about his heart and love for all that would seek, for all that would hunger, for all that would be desperate enough in this world for Him, to seek Him, with all that they could ...
What are YOU AND I looking at ?
I fear that I have fallen prey to humanism and to other reasonings and 'truths', and the greatest danger i fear for myself is that in the end, I would deny what is my heart's one true desire ... to be a very real touch of the Master to broken humanity. It's such a heart wrenching place -but are we touched by the sufferings of others? I fear that I would veer off and I would not be what I was created to be, an image of Christ, but instead an image which is of my own imagination and reasoning.
I need a great deliverance against every imagination that is false .
Timothy said that we shouldn't consent to any teaching that is not according to godliness:
If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, [even] the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; (from such withdraw ourself)
Imagine the pleading of Paul's heart to those he loved and cared for. He didn't just pen these words down in a moment of inspiration. I mean think about it, feel it~ the great intensity sweeping over his heart, the tears that would fall quickly, as he wrote with such a passion and penned each and every stroke. And then afterwards, he would sit there and pray and pray and pray and weep . For sure, his heart was fully embraced and in touch with the Master, and so when we read the Word, such as Paul wrote here , we too, we must feel that great depth, that goes beyond what we have reasoned and imagined things to be. We so need the Holy Spirit to take ahold of us in the same way!
New Testament 3.0 – A Major Breakthrough
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2 days ago
The reality of His life in us as us, is a total mystery for all of us as long as we continue to see ourselves after the flesh, viewing who we think we still are according to the dictates of our soulish understanding.
Of late I am beginning to see and understanding that we want and keep hoping for what we already have, but as Paul our brother said, "We NO longer know anyone after the flesh! Not even those who walked with Jesus 2,000 years ago.
I am convinced this lover and His life in us as us is so supernaturally natural, we miss it.
So many are like the impotent man of 38 years, and Jesus comes to him and asks, 'Do you want to be made whole?"
The man begins like us all, Lord you don't understand, there is no man to put me into the waters after they are freshly stirred up by the angelic messenger.
We so need Papa to simply open the eyes of our heart to not only see Him, but see Him as our only compassionate heart for the lost and needy..whew, sorry about going on here, but I loved it!! :)
The spirit of the Lord does not come upon us anymore as it did in the OT, He is joined to us, and once again without a revelation of this present reality, we grow weary.
Ruth I think on these things also. It is so easy to go through life in a bubble of contented "spirituality" and miss the mission we are to be on. It is so easy to see sick and starving people on the 6:00 news, think to myself that I should send money or something, and then forget about it during the next commercial.
God is so patient with us. He carries out our sanctification, sends gentle reminders to our spirit of things that need changing, and orchestrates the situations and relationships that will chisel away at our self centredness and complacency.
Humility is something we have to ask for. We cannot conjure it up on our own. It is a dangerous prayer to pray, to ask for humility. But a necessary one, if our self protective shell will be broken to allow the Life and Love of Christ to flow out of us to those around us who are hurting and empty.
Thank you for this convicting post.
thanks Rich ! That is a wonderful way to summarize what I was saying, we need Jesus to not only open our eyes to His heart to see HIm but to the compassion that He has for others.
Maureen, I am so thankful for your insight , and would add only to what you said that as he is working that process out in us, he also brings our way those who will faciliate the process in us and we in them !
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