My son broke his right clavicle on Saturday! I am just trying to put together a few of my thoughts since this. I have had alot going on. But I must say, I think I have such a remarkable son. He has not complained of anything at all, nothing, zippo. This despite the fact that he will be out of commission for quite a few weeks from a sport that he loves with a passion. He excels as a hockey player and it's a real avenue for him on many fronts ... he is homeschooled (his last year) and hockey outings are a real part of his life and social interaction and enjoyment. So I praise God for this young man that I already truly admire, who seems to have a remarkable peace and trust in God.
I have thought about trusting God through this all. My heart has praised him because I know how steadfast He is, His peace, His comfort, His ability to completely captivate our being on every level that needs His touch, .. well that is breath-taking. The touch of the Lord!
On my way outside doing some chores last night (I am relegated to this as my son can't at the moment) I just was praising and loving the Father. I am so thankful that he sees us all as those who need their love and attention span 'stretched' at times. We give our attention to so many things, even knowing deep down inside, that only He truly satisfies. We get taken up and preoccupied with life and ever so subtley we lose sight of the joy of Jesus and who He is.
I have thought about how important it is to be thankful for His loving tender care. Thankful for the help of His Holy Spirit to guide us and relieve us of our wandering ways, and nudging us back into the deeper union with Christ. He wants us to truly see, see what we need to see, but see how great God is, and that His comfort, peace, and assurance is there to help us and to keep us strong in our faith, unwaivering, trusting Him. Abilities that can only come from Him.
Luke & I were reading about the miracle of the five loaves and two fishes. WE as a family were talking about the miracles that Jesus performed, as well as the impact it had, or didn't have, on others. Luke & I noticed today that the disciples hearts were hardened after the miracle of feeding those five thousand. They failed to see what perhaps we think was very plain and obvious. So Jesus sent them off, then sent the people off, and went and prayed. It was during that night (probably a long terrifying night, it says the fourth watch) that the disciples were on the sea, a storm raging, that Jesus walked on water towards them. In their despair, they didn't seem to recognize him here either. It seems they had lost sight of the ability of Jesus to rescue them and help alleviate whatever storm or need(s) arose in their midst. I am so thankful that Jesus has given us the Word, that we can read it and have our heart and eyes opened up to the miraculous provision of the Lord for us. He truly is our provider, our sustainer, our help & our hope.
May our eyes and hearts be upon Him! He is looking after us, so no need to doubt, no need to fear, He will come and strengthen us !
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12 hours ago
I'm sorry to hear about your son's clavicle break. Ouch! I have empathy for him as I was a High School athlete and had a fair share of injuries, one of which also side-lined me for a few weeks from my favorite sport. So, my thoughts and prayers are with your son.
So cool, Ruth, how you are drawing near to Papa amid his injury, pain, and loss of temporary enjoyment of his sport and socialization. I'm glad that you are finding an inner peace, hope, trust, and thanksgiving for His amazing love and care for you and Luke.
"...that Jesus walked on water towards them. In their despair, they didn't seem to recognize him here either. It seems they had lost sight of the ability of Jesus to rescue them and help alleviate whatever storm or need(s) arose in their midst. I am so thankful that Jesus has given us the Word..."
Indeed, I agree. Very cool that you and Luke had such a good discussion about this story in the Bible. It seems to me that he is really hearing Papa speak within his heart through his the affects of his injuries. Ruth, you are a blessing to him for bringing up these good stories from the Bible and having sincere conversations about them.
May you both continue to live in the reality of His love for you.
~Amy :)
Oh thanks Amy for your thoughts, prayers & words here. How are you doing these days? Blessings & Hugs, Ruth
Hi Ruth. Really lovely post. Isn' it something how much closer we draw to our Father when we are in the midst of a crisis? And isn't He gracious that He draws near to us, even though we can go through a lot of our time not acknowledging Him? He never holds that against us, but is quick to bring comfort and peace to our souls.
I'm glad Luke is ok. I know God will bring some sweet times for both of you while he recoups.
Grace and Peace,
amen that is so true! he is so gracious to us, i only hope that he continues to work on me and make me less resistant to him all the time!
loved what you said Maureen ! thanks
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