Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we [him] no more.
2 Cor. 5:16
The relationship that the disciples once had with Jesus, of knowing Christ in the flesh, was changed, forever changed, by the Holy Spirit. By the wind and power of the Holy Spirit. I would think that as Paul spoke to the church, and tried to convey this truth to them, that they would have found this difficult to understand. Jesus understood that there were many things inexplainable until the Holy Spirit would come - there were many things He could or would have said to them but He knew it wouldn't make any sense til the Spirit of Truth would come and explain it to them (John 16:13)
Knowing Jesus as I do, I am coming to understand that the best relationship that I could ever have with Him is one that is by the Spirit.
That is why Jesus said:
Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. (John 16:7)
Jesus said that it was a very good thing that He go, { for He wanted to go } so that we, together with all saints, might know Him by the Spirit and develop our spiritual 'seeing' of Him.
He spoke of a spiritual vision, a 'seeing of Him', that was necessary to have within us, to encounter and experience relationship with Him. Knowing with certainty that the Kingdom of God is within us.
This despite the fact that we cannot see Him in the natural, we cannot touch Him in the natural, nor hear Him in the natural.
A relationship based upon the Spirit of Christ, connects us to Him, and to each other!
Thank you Jesus for the gift given unto us by the Holy Spirit !
New Testament 3.0 – A Major Breakthrough
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2 days ago
Amen!! Yes, indeed! Thank goodness we have the Holy Spirit, the VERY Spirit of God/Christ living within us!!
Great post!
~Amy :)
amen Amy, His lovely Spirit is truly lovely in His people!
Ruth it is hard to comprehend that we have God's Spirit living in us. Yet we know that we know. He gives us the knowing. Wish I could live in light of it 24/7. I thought of this verse:
"and though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory"
(1Peter 1:8)
Rejoicing with you,
I love the fact that at the core of our being we are 'spirit.' Our Father is spirit as well.
Apart from His spirit, it is incomprehensible to know this permanent reality of being one with Him.
The wonder of this is but just beginning for those received of the Father, we are now being trained in our day-2-day living how to live out of our spirit union vs from our soul...maybe this has much to do with, 'anything that is not of Faith IS sin'!
I so appreciate His word called Ruth :)
OH Rich, you are so right , so wonderful what you posted in your comment, Deep within us we are so alive , is is just so wonderful, what words can we ever say !
Hi@@ He gives us the knowing, I see it in you , beautiful in you He is. we see it in each other , it's sometimes more real in others than it seems in us at times too .
thanks guys!
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