Religion has always taught many the 'need to get out of the boat' so to speak and walk on water. You know, do something miraculous and supernatural, like Peter did, .. er .. I mean attempted to do. Not much has ever been said perhaps about the others, who stayed behind in the boat and only watched as Peter stepped out of the boat and subsequently failed. All in the boat had feared as Jesus came toward them (walking on water) but Jesus soon spoke to them, calmed their fears by saying, "Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid." Matt. 14:27
Perhaps Peter, unlike the others, was not content to stay in the boat after receiving Jesus' words and comfort. Jesus words were spoken to all. But in the end, it wasn't faith that drove Peter out of the boat because Jesus eventually said to him, "O ye of little faith, why did you doubt?" (fear) Perhaps, after all we have been taught on this, we should consider the other side of this story: consider those disciples who were willing to stay in the boat, willing to receive the comfort and words of Jesus vs Peter's lack of faith.
Often, our first religious inclinations, as honorable as they can appear to be, to ourselves and to others .. if we are truly honest and sincere, they can be traced back to fears and insecurities that linger within all! Linger in all their strengths and passions - yet subtely masquerade as faith!
I think back to so much of what I was taught and often compelled - by not only myself, but others as well - of what I needed to be doing, needed to be thinking, exercising faith, etcc. and see it as clearly a lack of faith and instead rooted in insecurity & fear.
Now that I am settled down in the boat, (gasp lol) and no longer compelled as deeply as I once was towards these things, I find it truly much easier to continuously receive Jesus' comfort and words to my very own heart. Experience His love & enjoy confidence in Him, in His ability to sustain and provide for me.
At the same time, I often see others struggling over and over again, struggling in their fears and doubts, thereby driven to try to do so many things, reflective of walking on the water. I see them struggle and pray above all that they would find rest and peace from this battle deep within. That they might gain Christ, deep within, for truly He speaks to all, He is all we need and will ever need. And become the peaceful influence He desires us to be. A resting place for His Spirit. He provides for all as we simply learn to be content and keep our eyes on Him. Eyes on who He is and the wonderful provision He has given and laid out before us. He will certainly see us through every storm, and every rough current that we face or see on the horizon.
Oh, the peace of God that surpasses our understanding! Now that is truly miraculous~!
New Testament 3.0 – A Major Breakthrough
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2 days ago
Beautiful post Ruth. Yes we do so often struggle to find peace. I was just thinking the other day of all the things I have lined up for myself as ways to be disciplined, be faithful, be obedient, be fruitful, be "spiritual". But truly it is all in Christ.
Have you seen this verse broken down this way before? I think it says a lot:
Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am.
Be still and know.
Be still.
HI beautiful Maureen,
No, I have never seen that broken down before, WOW, wonderful, thanks for sharing.
My mind at times wants to go there to the trust worthy list of things to be doing to make more spiritual.
But it doesn't seem to lure me as powerfully as it once did.
He is our peace, He is our life, He is our everything. And when we truly delight ourselves in knowing Him, and rejoice that He has come and lived within, well then we say All is truly well with my soul!
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