Thursday, July 24, 2008

How to Continue (I still need to be free to pursue this)

What does it mean to truly live like Jesus ?  If we want to live like Jesus, (a very common statement in the religious world btw) it has to be noted that we can do all the right things but the question will remain = did we pass the test?  The real test I think in that regard will always be ... do we see and care for the unloveable?  Are we willing to do so quietly and unnoticed?

Many would readily say that they know this, but I think it's worth repeating, ... 'cuz we can do all the right things you see but still not truly care for those around us, that are in need and have lost hope.  We need a vision check.  Do we even see the needs around us ?  Which is more important?  We  can get buried in religious church life, cliques, ... it might be a well regarded religious standard, (to be like Jesus) but is it real, TRULY REAL, or is it meaningless ?  We should think carefully about these things.  

Who really cares you know, about how much we know,  how much faith or revelations  we have - who really cares - if, when no one is watching, we still don't get iT -  that true faith (the kingdom that is within) is about being moved at usually considerable cost  to ourselves, yet despite this, moved towards others with deep compassion and love.  This attitude is not very glorious and doesn't get praised or look to be monumental perhaps, but oh well!  Regardless, inwardly, is our heart moved towards this kind of love, love that is reaching out, perhaps in a  quiet manner, silently or even openly.   Spiritually to prosper means that our inward man is being renewed in this direction.

We can be doing all the things that look Christian, (fellowship together all the time, go to services, go to church, speak the language, etccc) but STILL the test is not over and never will we pass it if we measure this by  how many times you do certain things, or even how well you do them, how well it appears, but do you lay down your lives for others?  That is the key.  Are you willing and am I willing?

I feel like this might be the answer key  to unlock the door so to speak .. and to free entirely from religious compulsions.  Compulsions do not bring the transformation that Christ's life is about.  Compulsions  only have a promise of life, but they fail to deliver.  The lock us in a place where we end us over and over trying to gain that promise of  life, but the longer we stay in them the less we are willing to acknowledge of unfulfilling they are.   Certainly less than the freedom Christ died to give us.  They will keep us locked away yet still thirsting for real life that is fleeting at best.  I want to be free , to be real and to pursue the life that can come from within.  His life and  power  awaits us !   

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