How do we ? Can we?
Just having to think about how we should (convey His love ) to one another seems to be more revealing than anything, doesn't it ?
Is it something we can figure out finally and just go and do for the rest of the day? Yes, we all want to grow in His love, genuinely and deeply, and understand what scripture teaches us about God's love.
Yes, there should be love evident constantly in us.
Because He is love and clearly when we receive Him, we are receiving love.
Only His love first in us can produce the kind of love that is worth conveying.
I have a friend who use to say that much of our failures towards others is what he terms a love failure. I have been trying to get him to coblog on here with me and if he ever accepts my invitation, he would have much to share on this ...
New Testament 3.0 – A Major Breakthrough
Welcome to another Thursday UNFILTERED blog post, the only blog that wants
you to know what when your pastor asks you to respond to the text during
his ser...
2 days ago
Hi Ruth,
I love the new blog, beautiful.
You said, "I have a friend who use to say that much of our failures towards others is what he terms a love failure. I have been trying to get him to coblog on here with me and if he ever accepts my invitation, he would have much to share on this"
Just wondering why your friend is reluctant in cobloging with you?
Hey Rich,
I am not sure why but think it's just that he isn't into blogging. But you know what - I think I will ask again!
How are things going ! Summer is zipping away isn't it! God Bless !
I'm doing wonderful spiritually but I have a torn ligament in my right knee and as of Thursday I'll have been off from work 2 weeks :( plus somehow adding more insult to injurey, I have done soming dreadfully wrong to the right side of my right foot.
I just came back from Physio so I am icing it all muchly and enjoying this unplaned but painful holiday :)
Yes this summer is unwinding quickly, but what a wonderful summer it has been.
You are loved,
oh Rich, sorry to hear of your injury , that sounds painful (having to ice it) however the good side is your home for some of the summer, that's nice! do you suppose you over compensated with the right foot somehow due to the injury in the other? blessings , Ruth
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