Being born again means a huge family change! Being born again just can't be viewed in any other way. It's a drastic family change. A radical shift that becomes apparent not only in how we view others within this family, but also in the quality of life each family member is experiencing within this family.
Love is the defining factor in our birth and relationship within this new family. When love is the one and only defining factor, the result is ultimately a weaving of our lives together, deeply into other people's lives. This weaving is out of genuine love and concern. This type of family interacts genuinely and therefore loves deeply every day of the week, (definitely not out of religious obligation). {Certainly it does not interact just a few times a week at some neat "services". If we would be honest, this interaction is really basically for self: so that we can feel better firstly about ourselves, then possibly secondly about others} That whole analogy that we read where Jesus talks of this concept of losing our lives for others ... we hear this over and over in the Bible, but in truth, this is something that can only begin to happen when we understand this idea of family in His Kingdom. Love in His family is love that is for the sake of others vs the retaining and reassurance of self. It is a huge shift.
This is God's heart, that we would become fully birthed into His family, out of deep love for others. It's all about family. There is alot said in the Bible about Jesus building His church. The heart of God for church is that it not be built upon who believes the right thing, who tithes the right thing, who attends the right thing, who goes to the right denomination, or who and where the spiritual people are, or who it is that says they are the ones who have had some deep religious experiences. Jesus said the church, ie this, His family, would be built upon those who have melted their lives together, and given their lives away, for one reason and one reason only - because they themselves have heard His voice, and it has melted and blended their lives together as One, as family. This becomes a reflection of the deep transformation into the Son of God - this knitting together as a family. It's not about ministry. It's about love, it's about family ...
It's a supernatural connection that is not built on flesh, ie it's not built upon man's desires, or his wills, efforts, or man's doctrinal interpretations. Life is simply built around who He is, and around what He has done, .. it's then from this perspective, that we can begin to understand who is Jesus' mother, who are His sisters, and who are His brothers.
Right doctrines, good deeds, and/or being able to articulate and interpret religious truths, such as how and when we should "do Church". These things are meaningless in any one and all of us, if we don't understand the simple truth of truly being birthed into His family and love within His family. We let our lives reflect this love for His family, 24/7.
Oftentimes, I see this as the vital, yet sadly missing link.
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2 days ago
Thank you for the post! Wow, so helpful in articulating how love transforms us, defines us, invites us into family/community...a new life experience. I look forward to keeping in touch with your thoughts.
Hey Bill,
So nice of you to drop by !
The power of His love as being
the one constant motivator in our hearts, as in our relationships is something I hunger for .. it seems to silence the other things we selfishly hang on to ! I look forward to keeping in touch with you as well, Ruth
Love your post, Ruth! May we be all one family! I have received something similar from the Holy Spirit, articulated differently, but essentially the same message :D Isn't God great????? Check out the last two posts on my blog, The Hand of God .
Great article! When reading this I started thinking about what Paul said... that we can do all sorts of great things but without love it's just a bunch of noise. Good word.
Hi Shawn, it's nice to meet you.
So true, without His love we don't have anything, true the only sound we are making is noise. Concerning experiencing His love within the context of family my hope is that I would help others love Him more and others would help me love Him more!
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