January 13th.
"When He was alone the twelve . . . asked of Him . . ." Mark 4:10
His Solitude with Us. When God gets us alone by affliction, heartbreak, or temptation, by disappointment, sickness, or by thwarted affection, by a broken friendship, or by a new friendship - when He gets us absolutely alone, and we are dumbfounded, and cannot ask one question, then He begins to expound. Watch Jesus Christ's training of the twelve. It was the disciples, not the crowd outside, who were perplexed. They constantly asked Him questions, and He constantly expounded things to them; but they only understood after they had received the Holy Spirit (see John 14:26). (To me this is the exact true nature of following Christ, having a relationship with Him where we are not content to be a follower amongst the many, but a fellow traveller with Him, Him who desires to find all those hidden truths that He hungers to give us. Hidden knowledge of Him that He longs to over and over again lay it upon our heart and oh for joy it is that we can have this relationship with Him; where we can go to Him with all that we don't understand - just like the disciples did, I think that is His goal, for us to come alongside Him to seek out the meaning of so many things ... maybe that is why some things are hidden, so we will seek Him out with all of our heart soul mind strength . What a delight to find Him in all His fullness, how overwhelming is that )
If you are going on with God, the only thing that is clear to you, and the only thing God intends to be clear, is the way He deals with your own soul. *He is love to me and He is so perfect in all that He does, this is the one truth we can hold to * Your brother's sorrows and perplexities are an absolute confusion to you. We imagine we understand where the other person is, until God gives us a dose of the plague of our own hearts.(ooh so true help me here Lord) There are whole tracts of stubbornness and ignorance to be revealed by the Holy Spirit in each one of us, and it can only be done when Jesus gets us alone. (I so want to be alone with Him, do you ?)Are we alone with Him now, or are we taken up with little fussy notions, fussy comradeships in God's service, fussy ideas about our bodies? Jesus can expound nothing until we get through all the noisy questions of the head and are alone with Him. (yes and get rid of all the voices of distractions constantly bombarding us to drive us away from HIM)
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Welcome to another Thursday UNFILTERED blog post, the only blog that wants
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