Amazing podcast by Wayne Jacobsen on 'No Need to Validate'
... any thoughts ??
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5 days ago
Dear Ruth,
Just became aware of your blog via your posting on Maureen's "One Day at a Time". Will be reading and possibly commenting soon.
I will comment now that I am well acquainted with Wayne Jacobson's output: his podcast; the book he served as publisher for ("The Shack"), and I would advise you to tread carefully in his waters. His call to the freedom we enjoy in Christ outside the bondage of religion is welcome enough, but his tendency to carry that call to freedom to include freedom from the dictates of Scripture is deadly.
To cite just one example of the real Wayne, Wayne (the husband to a California public school teacher) publically criticized Christians parents in that state who called for abandoning the public school system in an act of civil disobedience, when a federal district court in California effectively banned homeschooling in Califonia. Subsequently, even Governor Schwarznegger expressed outrage over the court decision, and an appeals court has overrulled the lower court decision, making homeschooling legal again in California. Few people know these unseemly truths about Wayne, and I could cite many more.
Now, don't shoot me for being the messenger, just stick with the facts; for it was facts that delivered you from the Institutional Church, and can deliver you from everything else that is misleading.
My wife and I had a chance to listen to it today in our daily outing.
Absolutley refreshing seeing the difference between form vs substance.
It's amazing how full of knowledge any of us can be, outwardly appearing to have the right 'form', but inwardly missing out on the substance of actually knowing Him.
The veil is rent/torn, refusing to pay any more attention to that man behind the curtain is spelled out imo as freedom!
Blessings to you friend :)
I loved this podcast of theirs (as I enjoy all of them actually). I'm actually in the middle of going through their Archive, listening to all past casts. Amazing journey in itself.
Our validation comes from Papa! And as believers, we do best to validate ALL our brothers and sisters feelings, no matter what they are going through. The worst thing one can say to another is, "You shouldn't feel that way." Or "Well, you should try looking on the bright side."
When one is experiencing a feeling, there usually is a purpose in it. They need to feel that feeling or think whatever thoughts in order to move through it.
Denial or suppression of anything only delays true healing, growth and learning.
Great idea to mention their Podcast as a conversation starter.
~Amy :)
Thanks so much William, Rich & Amy. I feel like I had some nice visitors today smiles! wish i could have served ya some coffee and some goodies ! I just think Wayne has some thought provoking thoughts along the way. I loved when they were talking about the woman at the well, (the charasmaniac part) and how that Jesus wasn't purpose driven as much as He was loving people simply as life unfolded around Him. And as such ,he took an interest in her for who she was and where she was at (thirsty etc). Taking life as it comes and letting God breathe into each and every moment .. sounds wonderful! thanks for stopping by you dear ones !
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