Frances talks of the immeasurable worth of solitude in regard to being capable of weighing the words of others, or even actions of others. Are the praises or criticisms of others accurate? The only way can know for sure is in the light of His countenance as we commune with Him.
Why is solitude and a quietness within our soul necessary to clarify the accuracy of circumstances? Because in Him we are free. We are free to evaluate and weigh whatever is happening in the confidence of His love. We know we are loved. In this place of assurance of love, we have courage to face imperfections. In the moments of quietness with Him, we are set free not only from the sins yet to deal with, but to deal with whatever we face. We are also set free of what Frances calls the "improper evaluations of thy worth and false pride" that seek to distort what God is truly after in us. It's so important to stay in tune with Him and solitude and quietness is the sure way we can maintain this posture of continual work of rebuilding, restoring, re-molding, re-creating...
"Live close to Me and let Me re-mold and re-create until I see in thee the image of ALL that I want thee to be" page 151
Come Away My Beloved
"The Secret of Silence"
page 151
New Testament 3.0 – A Major Breakthrough
Welcome to another Thursday UNFILTERED blog post, the only blog that wants
you to know what when your pastor asks you to respond to the text during
his ser...
2 days ago
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